Smart code champ, a computer quiz for classes VIII & IX was held on Sunday, 10-Dec-17.
The competition was held in 2 parts. First, the preliminary round was held in writing form. About 95 students took part in this round. 10 students from Std VIII & 5 from Std IX were selected for the final round.
In the final round, a group of 2 was made. They were given an HTML page design & a program to write.
Nistha Agarwal & Tejas Pandey bagged the first prize of Rs. 1000 each, Priyesh Singh & Swastik Panda came to the first runner up and received a cash prize of Rs. 500 each, while Ravi Anand & Kumar Atul Prakash were 2nd runners up and got a prize of Rs. 250 each.