Prerna Classes PRMO 2018 Results


A total of 14 students have qualified from Prerna Classes in this year's Pre-Regional Mathematical Olympiad (PRMO) 2018 conducted by MTA (Mathematics Teachers’ Association) with assistance from IAPT.

1. 720221 - Shubhraneel Pal 2.720505 - Aniket Gudipaty 3. 731004 Ravi Anand 4. 732010 - Ashutosh Jha 5. 750052 - Raghav Subramaniam 6. 751080 - Aditya Pranjal 7. 751090 - Abhinav Thakur 8. 751107 - Sahil Singh 9. 752011 Akshat Srivastava 10. 820067 Rohan Das 11. 820347 - Yugdeep Singh Bhatia 12. 820390 - Supreeti Agarwal 13. 841026 - Pracheta Agarwal 14. 841029 - Sourav Singh

Director of Prerna Classes, Mr Pramod Dubey, felicitated these students at Prerna Tower in a simple ceremony. He wished them all the best in their academic career.

Next Prerna Classes Annual Felicitation Function 2018

Prerna Classes